Legal notice

General information

The owner of this website is Atlas Project Management, S.L., with NIF B92993120 and address located in Calle Centro Comercial Atenea Loc. 1 and 17 Cr. Cádiz Km 168, 29680 Estepona, (Málaga). The entity Encount registered in the Mercantile Registry with the following registration data: Registered in the Register Mercantil de Málaga, volume 4628, book 3536, folio 31, page number MA-100883, inscription 1ª.

With the aim that the use of the Web Site meets criteria of transparency, clarity and simplicity, Atlas Project Management, S.L. informs the user that any suggestion, doubt or query about the present Legal Notice or any other informative document of the website will be received and solved contacting Atlas Project Management, S.L., through the e-mail address:

Intellectual property

All the contents that are shown in this website, and especially designs, texts, images, logos, icons, trade names, trademarks or any other information susceptible to use industrial and / or commercial are protected by the corresponding copyright, not allowing their reproduction, transmission or registration of information unless previously authorized by the owner, Atlas Project Management, S.L .. However, the user may use information provided to manage their order and the corresponding contact data.


Atlas Project Management, S.L. does not assume any responsibility for links to other sites or web pages that, if applicable, could be included in it, since it does not have any type of control about them, so that the user accesses under his / her exclusive responsibility the content and the conditions of use that govern them.